Programs for every day
with a modified menu

Sport programs

Special programs

How to choose a program?

Something extra

Programs for every day
with a modified menu

Sport programs

How to choose a program?

Something extra

Boxed diet
not just for healthy weight loss

  • We will bring you up to 5 servings of fresh food for a healthy and balanced diet for every working day.
  • You will save time spent cooking and shopping.
  • Varied and tasty dishes from quality ingredients awaiting you.
  • The menus are compiled for you by an experienced nutritionist Mgr. Kateřina Šimková and her team.
Today’s meal plan

26. march 2025
5 355

Špenátová pomazánka, barevná mrkev, náš chléb

snack (morning)

Ananasovo-mandarinkový mix s jogurtem a ořechy


Dušené vepřové na balzamiku s hráškem, barevné těstoviny

snack (afternoon)

Salát Waldorf


Kuřecí nudličky se sýrovou omáčkou, bulgur



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Zdravé stravování – Healthy Eating programs for diet, value-packed meals, and active living

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All news (mostly in Czech only)

Why should you choose our boxed diet

hp01You will lose weight in a healthy way thanks to a balanced diet and avoid starvation
hp03We deliver food throughout the whole Czech Republic, even to smaller cities up to 5 times a week
hp05You can enjoy a variety of Czech and international cuisine
hp05We offer various energy ranges. Combinations of more than 10 programs
hp05Our own refrigerated delivery transportation ensures that you receive the highest quality food
hp05We will inform you of the detailed nutritional value and composition of meals
hp01Save time shopping, cooking and compiling your diet
hp03You can exclude ingredients that you do not consume from the menu upon agreement
hp05We have our own team of nutritional counselors available on phone and in counseling centers
hp05We share our knowledge and recipe inspirations on ours blog
hp05We cook on weekdays and weekends
hp05Possibility of your own combination of courses
Zdravé stravování - proč zvolit naši krabičkovovou stravu

We care that you enjoy the food


Only the best help us with the preparation and testing of the menu

We are so glad that thanks to them you are satisfied with our diet



  • Marcel Ihnačák

    Marcel Ihnačák

    Boutique Hotel Tanzberg restaurant chef in Mikulov

    I work with Healthy Eating on the occasional development of recipes and on regular events, such as Culinary Summer.

  • Jan Punčochář

    Jan Punčochář

    the holder of the acclaimed Michelin-starred Bib Gourmand and the owner of the restaurant U Matěje

    I cooperate with Healthy Eating at regular events, such as Culinary Summer.

  • Radek David

    Radek David

    creative Executive Chef restaurants La Veranda, The Bistro or Grandma's Garden

    I cooperate with Healthy Eating at regular events, such as Culinary Summer.

  • Zdeněk Křížek

    Zdeněk Křížek

    Executive Culinary Chef for the OREA HOTELS & RESORTS network

    I cooperate with Healthy Eating at regular events, such as Culinary Summer.

  • Anchal Chopra Bhalla

    Anchal Chopra Bhalla

    Indian culinary magician from Tastesutra

    I work with Healthy Eating on the occasional development of recipes and at events such as Culinary Summer.

    Lukáš Pařízek, akrobatický pilot
    Barbora Procházková
    Karel Kašák, moderátor
    Simona Herdler

    Simona Šimková


    The “For Moms” programme made my life easier after the birth of my son Mathias. As a breastfeeding mom, I wanted to make sure my meals were regular and balanced. Even after we got settled in at home, I decided to continue the boxing because the meals are really tasty and it’s a great way to save time that I can better spend on my son :). I was very pleasantly surprised by the communication with the nutritionist, who was willing to discuss my current situation and set up a tailor-made menu, and she was helpful in case of additional changes.

    Barbora Procházková

    When my daily schedule became so time-consuming that I had trouble finding time to cook food, which is very important to me as a professional athlete, I started looking for alternatives to my daily box diet.

    Read the full reference

    Karel Kašák

    TV presenter
    I’ve had boxes from Zdravé stravování before and I’d like to go back to them again. It is probably standard today that they bring the boxes to your home or leave them at the agreed place. However, Zdravé stravování will ensure not only healthy and tasty food for the whole day, but also help you choose the right program that is suitable for you. I believe that the individual approach guarantees that you will enjoy it as much as I did. I always look forward to what they bring me in the evening.

    Pavla Tomášková


    I’m a nutritionist and food engineer. I’ve been helping women get slim for over 13 years and I’ve had many years of personal experience with and I’ve always been very satisfied. I highly recommend boxed meals from them to my female clients and anyone interested in healthy eating, because this is one of the best in the industry and they truly understand nutrition, thanks to the experienced professionals on their team.

    Read the full reference

    Simona Herdler

    The Zdravé stravování boxes were the obvious choice for me, especially around the time of my son’s birth. As a newlywed and breastfeeding mom, I definitely welcomed the already-prepared meals that were, in consultation with the nutritionist, put together so that I would have enough of all the nutrients I needed, and subsequently my little one in his breast milk. I highly recommend the boxes to anyone who appreciates healthy, tasty, and varied food without preparation and wants to achieve their dream figure or simply feel good.

    Get inspired for better diet (in Czech only)

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    +420 517 070 333Mo-Th:  8:00-17:00
    Fr:       8:00-16:00
    Su:       12:00-19:00 (delivery inquiries for active customers only)

    Information about our box diet

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