Programs for every day
with a modified menu

Sport programs

Special programs

How to choose a program?

Something extra

Programs for every day
with a modified menu

Sport programs

How to choose a program?

Something extra

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We will contact you to verify the reservation and arrange a time. Your reservation will not be valid until confirmed. The consultation is only available in Czech.

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Our nutrition consultants will contact you and confirm the date. If the required date is not available, they will offer you another option, according to your possibilities.

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Our nutrition consultants will contact you and confirm the date. If the required date is not available, they will offer you another option, according to your possibilities.

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Do you have a specific topic that you would like to discuss in more detail during the consultation? Are you being treated for any disease? Please enter here.

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We will contact you to verify and arrange a time. Your reservation will only be valid upon confirmation by us.

The consultation is only available in Czech.

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+420 517 070 333Mo-Th:  8:00-17:00
Fr:       8:00-16:00
Su:       12:00-19:00 (delivery inquiries for active customers only)

Information about our box diet

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