More details about the programme:
- main course for energy and satiety prepared with high-quality ingredients
- 4 lunch options: healthier option of the dish - WE RECOMMEND, Czech cusine, Czech cusine without meat, meatless dish
- the programme includes only one course, specifically lunch
- exceptions or substitutes are not permitted in this programme
- the price of lunch does not include delivery
The meat-free lunch is nutritionally composed so that the combination of plant protein sources creates their full form.
The standard healthier lunch option provides lean meats, grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts. The meal plan also includes reduced-fat cheeses and other products that children are used to in their normal diet.
Nutrition window
Lunch is very important for children and adolescents because it provides the energy needed for the rest of the day, which is essential for their growth, development, and ability to concentrate at school and have energy for extra-curricular activities.
Ideally, lunch should be hot, as it can better satisfy hunger. A hot lunch also offers a wider variety of foods that can be prepared, specifically meat, fish, pulses, cereals, and vegetables. Lunch for children, like for adults, must contain an optimal ratio of protein (for growth and tissue regeneration), complex carbohydrates (a source of energy), and healthy fats (for brain development and holistic health). However, the macronutrient and micronutrient requirements for children and adults differ, and this must be taken into account.
Skipping the main meal of the day may result in a lack of nutrients and the subsequent risk to children’s physical health, mental performance, and overall development.
Tuňákové kuličky s rajčatovou omáčkou
Těstovinový salát se zeleninou, mini mozzarellou a semínky
Kuřecí prsa s jáhlami a pyré
Krůtí roláda plněná kapií, sýrem a žampiony, bramborová kaše
Tortilla s hovězím mase, lilkem a batáty