Programs for every day
with a modified menu

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Programs for every day
with a modified menu

Sport programs

How to choose a program?

Something extra

Věra Závorková

07. 11. 2023

para swimmer

I’m very satisfied with the boxes from Zdravé stravování. Since I represent the Czech Republic in para swimming, the boxed diet suits me very well. Not only do I save time, but I know I have regular meals and all the nutrition my body needs. Many times I have two-phase training sessions, and this way I can take the boxes to the pool and eat in peace after the training and then continue to the gym.

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Lukáš Pařízek, akrobatický pilot

I like that Zdravé stravování has several programmes, and you can choose what suits you the best. The food is very good and varied, so I look forward every day to see what good things they bring me.

What I appreciate the most is that the food is fresh every day, the arrangement with the delivery is amazing, the boxes save a lot of time, and most importantly I can take them anywhere. A big thank you to the very nice staff at Zdravé stravování.

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+420 517 070 333Mo-Th:  8:00-17:00
Fr:       8:00-16:00
Su:       12:00-19:00 (delivery inquiries for active customers only)

Information about our box diet

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