Programs for every day
with a modified menu

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How to choose a program?

Something extra

Programs for every day
with a modified menu

Sport programs

How to choose a program?

Something extra

Tereza Jandová

16. 11. 2023


At the beginning of October I decided to start running to look better and be happy with myself by summer. But 80% of this is food, so boxes were the obvious choice. I chose the Protein Extra programme, which contains less carbs. The meals are varied and I don’t feel hungry after eating them. And the result after 3 weeks with Zdravé stravování? “You’re kind of skinny.” That was a compliment from a friend and the number on the scale shows 3 kg less. And for me, that’s motivation to keep going.

Lukáš Pařízek, akrobatický pilot

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