Programs for every day
with a modified menu

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How to choose a program?

Something extra

Programs for every day
with a modified menu

Sport programs

Special programs

How to choose a program?

Something extra

Michaela Jonáš

05. 10. 2023


I’ve always been an advocate of hot dinners throughout the week, which in our family is not feasible in the quality form I would like for the 3 of us – my husband is a vegetarian, I’m a meat eater, and I want to serve my young son non-spicy food. That’s why I chose all-day meals for me (Protein Extra) and for my husband (Meatless). Not only does it cut out the time spent shopping, putting away groceries, and most importantly cooking, but we eat truly nutritionally balanced and high-quality meals throughout the day. Plus, my husband takes the clever boxes to work and can’t get enough of them. One big YES for us if you’re just deciding whether to give @zdravestravovani a try!

Lukáš Pařízek, akrobatický pilot

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