Programs for every day
with a modified menu

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Programs for every day
with a modified menu

Sport programs

How to choose a program?

Something extra

Lucie Škardová

15. 01. 2024


Eating healthy is not about hunger or denial, it’s about the right dietary parameters – and that’s exactly what Zdravé stravování can do. When I had the boxes for the first time, I also weighed myself honestly and I can tell you the real numbers – in one month I went from 59.2 kg to a beautiful 56.5 kg WITHOUT starving and denial. I also really like the ability to choose from several programmes. I would say there is something for everyone. If you want to lose weight and you can’t, I believe the boxes are the way to go for you. Sometimes just more movement isn’t enough; combining it with a suitable diet is ideal. I have a major problem without the boxes – I eat little and badly. So thank you Zdravé stravování!


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