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Programs for every day
with a modified menu

Sport programs

How to choose a program?

Something extra

Klára Kováčová

22. 08. 2024

fitness trainer and masseuse

Those of you who know me know that I can’t get enough of food. The problem is making it varied, high quality, healthy, and tasty for all of us! And boxed meals are just great! You don’t have to think about calories, vitamins, protein, and who knows what – you know exactly what you’re putting into yourself. And what’s more, everyone can adjust it to suit their needs. What’s maybe even better, though, is the time saved. You know, we women go running around all day and then it’s like, what am I going to cook? And this totally resolves that problem. It’s absolutely perfect, and I’m thinking, why didn’t I do this a long time ago? 😊 Then they deliver all over the Czech Republic, so if we go away from home, the boxes come to us.


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+420 517 070 333Mo-Th:  8:00-17:00
Fr:       8:00-16:00
Su:       12:00-19:00 (delivery inquiries for active customers only)

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