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Programs for every day
with a modified menu

Sport programs

How to choose a program?

Something extra

Aneta Kubalová

02. 11. 2021

Fitness trainer
I prepared boxes at home myself, but it took a lot of time, so I decided to try Zdravé stravování. The arrangement was very quick and most importantly pleasant. I was taken care of by a very nice nutritionist who discussed everything with me. I’m currently pregnant, so I’m having various sweet tooth cravings. So the nutritionist offered me the PRO ZDRAVÍ 7000 program. I noticed that there is also a diet program for mothers (PRO MÁMY) who are breastfeeding. I think this will really save a lot of time during maternity leave. The company offers several different meal programs, so the boxes are really adapted even to those who are picky eaters or have dietary restrictions.

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Aneta Kubalová

The boxes are delivered from Monday to Friday except for weekends. At the weekend, I usually cook food that I feel like or when I plan to try a new recipe. Which suits me perfectly. The driver comes around 19:30 every evening and brings the boxes to my house. The food is described, as well as the composition and calories. I had a question on Instagram about the packaging, which is made of plastic. This packaging is returnable, so after agreement with the company or the driver, this packaging can be returned.

I have only tried the ZDRAVÍ 7000 program so far. I like the food, I was full and I didn’t feel hungry. Sometimes I was scared by how strange the food looked in the box, but after heating it up and trying it, I was very pleasantly surprised. What I missed the most was the variety of vegetables. Maybe I would have chosen tomatoes and peppers instead of salad, but otherwise I have nothing to complain about.

What I had to get used to was the morning snack, which sometimes included soup. Lunch and dinner are really very good. I also tasted food that I had never eaten before or had never even thought of cooking. I was mainly looking forward to the evening when the boxes for the next day would arrive. It was such a surprise of the evening for me because I immediately looked forward to the next day.

For me, the boxes are a really good choice and I’m very happy that I could try them. If you want to save time or you don’t know what to cook, you have less time to prepare food, then I recommend you try it. Even my boyfriend ate some of the portions more than once, so you don’t have to worry about having to alternate the boxes with other food during the day.


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